Thursday, January 21, 2010


Taking off early tomorrow for a 4 day Denver trip. The other side of the Rockies, right before those Great Plains. Hopefully see some people I see daily as well as annually at the show. Curious how this Denver stuff will unfold as it's previous location (Las Vegas) is hard to beat when it comes to late nights and heavy gambling. I will snap a few photos.


Large life choices are being made. My Sister Sarah is getting married next month. I know that it's been in the cards for a while with the engagement, but she really sprang on me with the "you better be here in three weeks cause I'm getting hitched" jazz. Small, perfect little event she planned in the also small state of Vermont. Really looking forward to seeing the little nephew and all the other people I call family. Congrats Larry, Sarah Rose and Little Eli. Happy days you little family.


My friend Dan at No Hope sends me a sweet link to some infographics by Micheal Deal on The Beatles. Seen parts of this project around the interweb, but here are some details.


These visualizations are part of an extensive study of the music of the Beatles. Many of the diagrams and charts are based on secondary sources, including but not limited to sales statistics, biographies, recording session notes, sheet music, and raw audio readings.

Not many bands that you can really do something like this with. Lots of data, info and songs. Amazing stuff.

Take care.

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